
Easy Nourishing Longan and Snow Fungus Sweet Soup

Longan and Snow Fungus Sweet Soup

Longan and Snow Fungus Sweet Soup is so soothing and very easy to make! I am always down for a bowl of nourishing and comforting sweet soup ( Tong Sui). I always have room for dessert, who’s with me?

The one thing I miss about Hong Kong is that we always finish off dinner with sweet soup, especially after a hearty meal. A bowl of Tong Sui just calms the body down a little bit.

This is one of the best sweet soups in my opinion. The melt-in-your-mouth experience is just delightful!

Did you know Cantonese people are so obsessed with soup? They believe in drinking hot soup as it “clears heat” in the body. On top of this, they believe that hot soup can nourish one’s beauty, strengthen physical health, and even prevent and cure diseases.

So all the more reason to try Chinese soups, I say!

What do you need to make this Longan and Snow Fungus Sweet Soup?

  • red dates – pitted
  • dried goji berries
  • dried lily bulb
  • rock sugar – or to taste
  • water

Simple easy ingredients these are! I always have these ingredients in my pantry, these are my kitchen essentials.


Pro tips for making this Longan and Snow Fungus Sweet Soup:

  • simmer the soup longer to have a melt-in-your-mouth texture, but the soup can be drunk after 30 minutes.
  • this soup is known for helping the immune system and healthy complexion.
  • Soup is a big part of Chinese cuisine, especial Cantonese cuisine.
  • Dried red dates usually come with the seed, you will need to remove the seed yourself or you can buy them pitted.

How do you make Longan and Snow Fungus Sweet Soup?

Soak snow fungus for a few hours until they are soft and puffed up.

Use a kitchen scissor to remove the yellow and tough center. Then cut the snow fungus into small pieces.

Rince other dried ingredients with hot water.

Heat a pot of water, bring it to boil, then add snow fungus, dried longan, red dates, dried lily bulbs, and rock sugar.

Bring the whole thing to boil, then turn the heat down to low, simmer for 1.5-2hours.

Add goji berries towards the last 10-15 minutes.

Serve immediately.

Longan and Snow Fungus Sweet Soup


  • 1 Snow Fungus
  • 80g Dried Longan
  • 12 red dates – pitted
  • 25g dried goji berries
  • 10 g dried lily bulb
  • 100g rock sugar – or to taste
  • 1.5L water

Takes ,
serves four people.


  1. Soak snow fungus for a few hours, until they are soft and puffed up. Use a kitchen scissor to remove the yellow and tough center, then cut the snow fungus into small pieces
  2. Use hot water to rinse all other dried ingredients.
  3. Heat a pot of water, bring it to boil, then add snow fungus, dried longan, red dates, dried lily bulb, and rock sugar. Bring it to boil, then turn down the heat to low, simmer for 1.5 – 2 hours.
  4. Add goji berries towards the last 10-15 minutes. Serve immediately.

Enjoy this Longan and Snow Fungus Sweet Soup.



  • 雪耳 1 朵
  • 圓肉 80 克
  • 去核紅棗 12粒
  • 杞子 25克
  • 百合 10克
  • 黃冰糖 100克
  • 清水 1.5公升


  • 1)雪耳提前數小時浸發好,然後用剪刀去蒂及剪成小塊。
  • 2)將圓肉、去核紅棗、杞子及百合用熱水沖洗,瀝乾備用。
  • 3)燒開一煲清水,把雪耳、圓肉、紅棗、百合及黃冰糖放進煲內,煮沸後將火力調較到最低,燉煮1.5-2小時。
  • 4)最後10-15分鐘前把杞子放入,小火燉煮到自己喜歡的濃稠程度即成。

all the ingredients are from TNT supermarket.

Special Thanks to TNT Supermarket for sponsoring this post.

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